The main site is not impacted directly from vehicular traffic interference. The only witnessed vehicle interference occurs above, on the story bridge. Some noise levels are created.

The site experiences various levels of sounds throughout the duration of the day. Major noise levels are produced and descend on the site from the vehicles accessing the story bridge above.

After an analysis of the sun angles throughout the duration of the day, it is found that the site is mostly subject to direct sunlight. There are a few hours (approx midday) where mist if the site is shaded. This behaviour of light and dark will fit for an interesting play with the folie design.

When you stand in the middle of the site the user is instantly overwhelmed by the views. One's attention is suddenly drawn to the gigantic story bridge that runs overhead, coupled with the vertical cliffs which enclose the space. Access to all views is maximised from this site. Capturing these views will be the important in the folie design.

The site as a whole records a strong breeze regularly throughout the duration of the day. This activity is a result of the adjacent river, which allows a cool breeze to enter. Inspite of what is observed in the above wind roses, the site welcomes most wind from the river. This has a large impact on the temperature of the site.

At the current time the site is closed due to construction. Although it is noted that previously and for future reference that people will use this site regularly as a pathway, linking the Riverside to Eagle Farm.
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