In the tutorial this week I began to think about how I could evolve my concept which was utilised for my folie design. Particularly, how it would develop in order to be useful in the design for a building of a large scale. Although it was commented that my folie concept was very strong I still believe it needs to be enhanced, as the concept was only relevant for a small installation. The concept was "A shelter is versatile. It is a place of protection, allowing people to escape their surroundings, whilst also allowing one to recapture past experiences."

I believe that there are elements to this concept which would be suitable for a large scale building design. Particularly I feel that the concept of "PROTECTION" is quite strong and relevant. This is derived from the feeling that the site offers closure and shelter for the occupant which allows them to feel safe within the environment - protection from external elements. It offers the user a place of comfort and relaxation.
As I have defined a concept which I can effectively work with, I now have to critically relate it to a building function which integrates this concept. The only immediate idea that I have been able to think of was a functional library, which offers a space for one to feel safe and comfortable. Over the next week hopefully this function can become clearer, and a more resolved idea will be formed.
Howard Smith Wharves - Digital Site Creation

Also, in the tutorial this week I finished modelling the Howard Wharves site entirely. I believed that by doing this, it will allow me to experiment with various building forms and shapes, so as to achieve a better understanding as to how it will function within the site, with regards to size and scale. I first used contour lines from ebimap to understand and construct the topography within the site. I used the 'Sanbox' tool in Sketch Up to formulate a representation of the cliffs surrounding the space. I then downloaded the Story Bridge model from Sketch up Library and modelled the buildings from a near map image. I have decided to make the surface materials all the same colour (white) so the site does not detract from the design of my proposed building.
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