Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Week 8
Exemplar - CCTV Building (Building Form)

Project Brief
- Is approximately 1000m2 in size
- Plays with scale of large proportions so as to define it as an iconic structure
- Has a close relationship with the site context
- Activates the site by creating a purpose and attracting users to the space
- Coordinates and further enhances the existing use of the space
- Effectively combines residential, commercial and recreational spaces together
- Has a defined relationship between public and private spaces
- Has a ferry terminal that allows public transport access to the site
- Bathrooms
- Kitchenettes
- Art/Music/Dance Library
- Art Studios
- Art Gallery
- Dance Studio
- Music Studios
- Toilets
- Storage
- Offices
- Admin/Foyer
- Recreational Roof Top Space
- Cafeteria
- Performance Stage

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Finalised Concept

Week 7 - Finalised Building Function
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
- It is a naturally attracted space because it is multi-functional - containing offices, courtrooms, etc. People naturally flow to this place - due to work.
- Very structured buildings in form, which can be derived from the concept
- Strong presence in appearance and in function which leads me to believe that it has the capability as forming as an iconic structure.
- Proficient access to the site is an issue. How would this happen?
- There is already a number of law courts in Brisbane. The main law court can be found in the Brisbane CBD.
- Not particularly a public attractor (e.g. tourists)

Is it a LIBRARY????
- Is a space where users can relax and feel comfortable
- A place where you can escape from the events of day to day living
- It has freedom with its design (limited restrictions)
- Offers a centralised library for the population living in the eastern suburbs of Brisbane
- It is a unique function for that particular area
- Has the ability to act as an icon and attract users to the space
- Activates the space effectively
- The location away from the city and the limited access to the site may prevent people from visiting (lack of car parks). Recommendation = Installation of some sort of transport access , for example a ferry terminal, would significantly fix this issue.

What to design...a functional building to enhance my concept?
- Bank,
- Hospital,
- Law Courts,
- And Library

- How successful they would be as an icon - attracting people to the space
- How successful at activating the space
- And what was needed for the space.

Developing the Concept for Iconic Realisation...Week 6

Enhancing and Activating the Iconic Qualities of the Howard Smith Wharves

- The Story Bridge - this feature is already at iconic status locally for the Brisbane population. As a gigantic and structurally expressive structure it spans a great distance over the Brisbane River below. The bridge envelopes the Howard Smith Wharves in the process, establishing itself currently as a prominent and overwhelming feature of the site. In my design I must be wary as to not disturb and interrupt the natural beauty this structure already displays for both the site and Brisbane. Consequently, it seems that I must either create the building separate from the bridge so as to develop a distinct difference between the structures, or make the building grow neatly from the existing element.
- The Kangaroo Point Cliffs - The towering cliffs which enclose the site, act as a towering and overwhelming feature when coupled with the spanning Story Bridge. The cliffs offer themselves as the feature which is natural beautiful to the site, with the existence of vegetation upon them. Although very steep in its appearance they present themselves as a plane which can be experimented with. Unlike the Story Bridge, the cliffs can be interrupted in its natural form, to allow for the developed design to interact effectively within the site context.
- The large vacant space - it is clear that this is a very large space which engulfs the entire site, underneath the bridge. It is but a memory, standing still in time, ignored by the sprawling city which surrounds it. This site is unclear and undefined by any physical mass or architectural element, and therefore offers itself as a perfect canvas for an iconic structure installation. I feel this space needs to be activated successfully for the site to have a function and meaning of existence, and this belief will be enhanced through the relationship my proposed structure has with it.
International Iconic Buildings - advancing the knowledge of iconic design
- The Taj Mahal
- Sydney Opera House
- Burj Al Arab Hotel
The Taj Mahal is a monumental iconic structure which evokes great power and strength in its design. This design is notably derived from its primary function, operating as a palace. As one of the most recognised structures throughout the world for its architecture and presence, the building envelopes the city of Agra, India, as it exists as the beating heart of the city. Its design and existence attracts tourists globally, due to its aesthetics and ability to provide a experience of significant memorable proportions.
The Sydney Opera House operates as a major iconic structure for Sydney and also Australia on the global scene. Its large scale accompanied with its individuality in design and uniqueness in innovation allows it to function successfully within its harbour site. It does not smoothly interact with its environment, in fact it establishes the building as a new and exiting site for itself, which conseqently draws the attention of users when passing by. Its aesthetics and function also adds a strong presence to the Sydney Harbour, generating it as sight which cannot be missed within the Sydney experience.
The Burg Al Arab Hotel presents itself as a forefront in iconic building design, in todays modern world. With it being the worlds second tallest building (scale), it defines itself a structure of great significance and power. Its function and presence has placed Dubai on the world stage and its uniqueness in design has lead to its influence to iconic design internationally. It sits on its own island offset from the main coastline of Dubai further establishing itself as an individual structure. Its beacon of attraction, directs users to its existence successfully, allowing one to create an unique visual experience and interaction with it.
Therefore, if I am to develop a brief, concept and design I must incorporate these features which define the buildings researched above, as to achieve a greater and more resolved idea and thought process of iconic design.
Introduction to Iconic Architecture
I am very interested in this type and form of architecture, as I believe that it is the most upfront style at capturing the eye and therefore drawing the attention of the user to the site of the building. I find that my understandings and beliefs coincide with the relevance and importance of this architecture, which Davor introduced to the group. Through my study of architecture I have found that many buidling designs are characterless, due to the lack of a bold sense of quality and function. One can only assume that architects are sometimes disregarding of uniqueness and individuality which creates this lack of character.
We discussed as a tutorial class as to how this project was going to develop throughout the next couple of weeks. Davor made it clear that this project would be self motivated and established from the beginning, as we were to intiate all schedules, briefs, parameters, etc for the development of our building on our own doing. Consequently, we began to individually plan a draft brief, that would allow us to develop our concept and conceptual designs.
I began to form a very open brief of a building, which entailed;
- Must be approxiamately 1000m2 in sizing
- Large scaled structure
- Must interact with the site context
- Functionally sound
- Draw the user to the site in such a way, different to what it is now
- Occupy the space in an interesting manner....
Project 2: Contextual and Spatial Parameters: Folies to Buildings
Now that you have developed your concept, narrative and formalised them into a folie, you should have a good starting point to begin the next phase of this project. Revisit contextual, geographical and social issues you investigated in Project 1 again, identify key issues relevant to your theme and investigate further. The folie itself may cease to exist in your main project but the concept needs to be utilised.
During this stage, you are expected to gain a very good understanding of your group theme, site, users, relationships to surrounding areas and Brisbane as a whole as a subtropical city. This project will serve as a research and initial design proposal phase of your project. Please note, from now on, that your theme leader will provide specific requirements.
The aim of this stage is for you to define contextual parameters you will use to evaluate the conceptual relevance of your investigations. Parameters provide a means to identify your core interests and help you to focus your attention to specific issues you are to investigate. For example, your parameter can be set to work with shadows. Specific parameters relevant to shadows can be intensity, darkness, tone, temperature, etc. Or, it can be something more abstract such as connectivity. Parameters for this would be public transportation access level, wireless connectivity level, walk-abileity and cycle-ability level, etc. By identifying several good parameters with specific interests, you can begin to identify a clear goal of your project. In other words, they are something you will identify to limit the scope of what you are going to deal with for the rest of this semester. "Limit" in a sense that it will allow you to stop dealing with too many issues and get on with your own very specific interest. This has to be executed with rigour or it will simply limit your possibilities and outcome.
Please also remember that this phase is not for you to produce a set of generic site analysis - we know you can produce a standard set of site analysis and we do not need to see them. You are expected instead to engage with your own unique research method to identify issues beyond what everyone can see as obvious facts. For example, we do not want to see any sun-path diagram unless it is related to and presented as your specific interest directly relevant to your project, an arrow diagram to vaguely describe traffic directions which are very obvious and does not identify any interesting issue to deal with, endless pictures of exemplar projects without any clear description of why you are referring to them, etc. In other words, we want you to investigate with the method you invent and want to see your own unique outcomes, which eventually become the core inspiration and concept for your building project for the rest of this semester.

Sunday, March 27, 2011